CEO Investor Mindset: How to scale from "High Ticket Expert" to "Millionaire Investor"


By Brian Campbell • Last updated July 17th, 2024

This is a guide to Time and Financial Freedom so that you can create a high ticket business that grows itself from it's profits, without requiring more time, effort or debt from you as it grows.

This allows you to OWN the business, instead of the business OWNING YOU! This allows your business to grow while you're on vacation...

"Why aren't you making ALL of the money that you want to make?" This guide also removes the subconscious limiting beliefs that are preventing you from having freedom in your business, while making your business FUN & JOYFUL again ...

Who is The "CEO Investor" Mindset For?

You are looking for a WAY to Safely Re-invest Profits from Your Online Business for Consistent Long Term Growth.

You Believe Your Business should run itself, requiring minimal effort from you so that you can focus on other things.

You want to focus on the more Visionary Aspects of Your Business and don't want to spend excessive time aquiring clients.

You Want to Attract High Paying Clients without spending all day on social media.

I've included a replay of the original masterclass that I gave at a recent online summit, and there's a table of contents that references everything in text so you can come back to this page as a reference (without taking notes).

Here's a Table of Contents for Easy Reference:

Watch The Video Here:

The video below walks you through the CEO Investor Mindset. Watch the video for a deep dive into how you can create a business that grows itself out of "earned revenue" instead of debt and foolishness.

Step #1: Recognize the Beliefs of Limitation

Before we adopt the mindset of a CEO / Investor, we need to become conscious of the ideas that are subconsciously keeping us from achieving Time and Financial freedom.

Beliefs of Limitation: Let's look at some common beliefs of people who aren't wealthy. People who limit their income unconsciously.

Here are a few examples of the "Limitation Mindset"

I'll save money if I do it myself...

Let me shop around for the best price...

I can't afford it!

Nobody can do it as good as me...

What can I DO to earn more money?

I'm smart enough to figure it out...

How am I going to manage this?

Step #2: Recognize the Beliefs of the CEO Investor

Beliefs of CEOs, Investors and Millionaires: Let's look at some common beliefs of wealthy people.

I'll make money faster if I hire someone...

Let me find the BEST person (so I get the BEST result)...

How can I afford this?

An EXPERT should be doing this instead of me...

What can I OWN that makes me money?

Time is too precious to figure it out myself...

How can this happen without me?

The Secret to Time and Financial Freedom

"Grow From Your Profits...Not From Debt!"


Sustainable growth comes from re-investing your profits into growing your business. The more you earn, the more you re-invest. It's a self-feeding cycle.

(5) common business growth mistakes

Business Growth Mistake #1: Spending all of your profits. You significantly limit the growth of your business by treating all of your sales income as your salary. A business will grow faster when it reinvests in ASSETS that grow the business and create more income for you.

The primary purpose of your business is to generate ASSETS that make you money. And for you to generate your income from your ASSETS, not from your effort.


Business Growth Mistake #2: Doing most of the work yourself. The only time it makes sense to do all of the work yourself in an online business is during earning your first $10,000 to $20,000. Once you hit this initial goal, a portion of your sales should go to re-investing in the business.

Business Growth Mistake #3: Hiring Cheap or Inexperienced People. You can get a whole funnel built on Fiverr for $300, but it's not likely to convert or work well. Hiring people without experience is more expensive because you spend money and get headaches instead of results.

Business Growth Mistake #4: Taking on too much debt to grow a business. Debt is risky because you are paying interest on something that's uncertain. I recommend that you avoid debt when growing an online business.

Business Growth Mistake #5: Not understanding the value of what you're investing in. Something that will earn you an extra $10,000 a month is an absolute bargain for $15,000! Don't miss out on what you really want because you think it's expensive when it's cheap (it pays for itself).

Here's how to AFFORD ANY Sized Investment...

REINVEST into Your Business

Growth becomes automatic when you choose to re-invest a certain percentage of your profits into growing your business.
The more you re-invest...
1) The FASTER Your Business Grows!
2) The LESS You Have to Do!
How much should you re-invest?
I recommend investing a minimum of 20% of your net sales into growing your business, up to 50% if you want more rapid growth.
If you want ULTIMATE Growth, reinvest 100% of your profits until you're business is at a level that supports your desired income, then start to draw income to live off of. Most people won't choose to Re-invest 100% because it involves delaying gratification until later.

The (5) FIVE Currencies of Online Business

There are (5) Basic Currencies that you can use to grow your high ticket business. Learn to earn and generate these currencies to grow your business.



DMs asking for Info

Booked Sales Calls

Sales of Your Offers

The beauty of these currencies is that all but one of them are virtual. They can be created easily, and converted to cash easily with the right SYSTEMS (aka ASSETS).

Here's how to build wealth and freedom:

1) Create SYSTEMS that EARN the 5 currencies.

2) Convert currencies to SALES (of your OFFERs).

3) Use the PROFITS to BUY more #1 for you.

Understanding ROI: the Key to Safe Investing


What makes investments risky is not knowing that the potential Return on Investment (ROI) is for your investment, relative to the return.

Example #1: if it costs $5,000 and you're expecting to only earn $100 in the next 5 years. That's probably an investment that's not worth it.

Example #2: if it costs $5,000 and you're investing in something that can earn you an extra $2,000 to $3,000 a month, that's an incredible return and is probably worth the risk!

The Key is to Understand the Cost, Return and Risk of the Investment.

ASSETS That Grow Online High Ticket Businesses

I'm going to list (5) Key Types of ASSETS to invest in first when growing a high ticket coaching or service business because these 5 types of assets provide the infrastructure to SCALE Bigger.

ASSET #1: Your High Ticket OFFER. Your offer(s) are your most valuable assets in your business, because it's how you convert the other types of currencies into cash that you can spend. Whether your OFFER already sells incredibly well or not, it's worth investing in making your offer better as soon as possible.

High Ticket OFFER Example:

You've got a $6K OFFER and you're selling two a month for an average sales of $12,000/month. You still get a lot of objections and you know if you had a better offer that you'd sell over $20,000+ months.

So you hire a top expert that specializes in creating irresistible high ticket offers. You pay $7,000 and together you create a new offer that sells for $8,000. It's a much better offer, and without changing anything else, you sell 3 per month for total sales of $24,000/month.

What's your ROI?  You paid $7,000 once to make an extra $12,000 a month! That's a great investment!

ASSET #2: Your Automated Sales Sequence. Your second most valuable asset in your business is your list. The list itself isn't valuable, it's your relationship with your list. The value you've given your list sequentially over time is what makes your list valuable. The better the sequence, the more profitable EACH PERSON on the list is!

Automated Sales Sequence Example.

Your current funnel leads people to a VSL, then 7 days worth of follow up emails, linking directly to your offer. For every 500 emails that you put into this system, you get two $1,500 sales per month, for a total of $3,000.

Your hire a top expert that specializes in conversion sequences to build you a 90 day sequence for your $1,500 offer, including web pages, videos, and training that eliminates limiting beliefs and nurtures every subscriber over time. You pay $15,000 for the full 90 day sequence. Now for the same list of 500 subscribers, you are getting eight $1,500 sales per month for a total of $12,000 in sales per month.

What's your ROI? You paid $15,000 once to own a sequence that makes you an extra $9,000 a month. A fantastic investment that pays for itself in less than two months!

ASSET #3: Profile Lead Generation Sequence. Another powerful asset is your social media profile. Just as an email sequence can be designed to deliver information sequentially, so can your social media content!

Profile Lead Generation Sequence Example:

Your current strategy is to post 3-5 times a week. You post some lifestyle pics, some value content, ask people to DM you and you get two $4,000 clients by the conversations in the DMs for a total of $8,000 in sales per month.

You hire a top messaging expert to create content for you for you to post every day that attracts a higher caliber client for $2,500. You now get 120 people to opt-in to get your lead magnet every month (two of them become clients), and you get an extra 4 clients just through the DMs. Now you have six $4,000 clients for a total of $24,000 in sales per month.

What's Your ROI? You spent $2,500 to earn an extra $16,000 for the month. That's going to be one of your favorite investments ever!

ASSET #4: "DM Me for Information" Sequence. Another powerful asset is people DMing you for more information. A combination of social media + automated email sequence can be used to have people sliding into your DMs!

"DM Me for Information" Sequence Example. You realize that for every 5 people that DM you asking you for info about your $3,000 offer, 2 people buy right from the DMs, without the need for a sales call. You currently ask people to DM you from your content, and you get about 7 DMs a month, and make 3 sales for a total of $9,000 in sales every month.

You hire a top messaging expert to add another 21 days of emails to your existing email sequence that encourage people to DM you for more information on your offer for $4,000. He split tests every email and creates a system that gets you an extra 15 DMs a month, just from your existing email list. Now you're getting 22 DMs a month and you're making 10 sales of your $3,000 offer, for a total of $30,000 for the month.

What's Your ROI? You paid $4,000 to earn an extra $21,000 a month! You're so happy that you hire the expert for the next project below...

ASSET #5: Your Book a Call Sequence. Sales calls from people who are genuinely interested in your offers are almost as good as money in the bank! If you sell a high ticket offer with sales calls, then you should invest in a sequence that has people booking calls with you.

Book a Call Sequence Example:

Your funnel has 10 follow up emails for everyone that requests your lead magnet to book a call. Based on past performance, you know that for every 100 emails you collect, you book 5 sales calls, and close 2 clients @$8,000 each for a total of $16,000 in sales.

You hire an expert that specializes in creating follow up conversion sequences to create a 30 day follow up email sequence and a second lead magnet to generate more leads for $7,5000. The new sequence gets 15 people out of 100 to book a call, and you now close 8 @ $8,000/ea for a total of $64,000 in sales. Your closing rate also went up because they're easier to close because your sequence has presold them for months...

What's your ROI? Your old sequence turned 500 leads into $16,000 worth of sales. Your new sequence turns 500 leads into $64,000 in sales. That's an extra $48,000 in sales from the same number of leads. A wise investment for only $7,500!

Other ASSETS Worth Investing In

The (5) Assets that I mentioned above are foundational systems that help you to scale faster because they optimize your conversions. Once your sales conversion system is dialed in, you can invest in all the cool assets that you've heard of:

List of Marketing Assets Worth Investing In:

🎈 VSL Funnel

✨ Masterclass Replay Funnel

🎈 5 Day Challenge Funnel

✨ Co-hosted Events Funnel

🎈 Youtube ADs Funnel

✨ Book Funnel

🎈 Microcourse Funnel

✨ Automated Webinar Funnel

🎈 Linkedin Profile Funnel

✨ Facebook ADs Funnel

Your Custom Strategy for ROI

Now that you have the CEO Investor Mindset, where do you start?

Your business is unique. Depending on the sales process you are currently using, the sales it's already bringing you, and the currencies you have in abundance, will determine what to invest in next for maximum growth and to liberate you from having to do it yourself!

Want to Know Exactly What to Invest in Next?

It's not always easy to know what to prioritize next. How can you know what you can do specifically to invest in next in your business?

DM Me for my Recommended Plan for You

Send me a DM on Facebook and mention the CEO Investor Plan, and I'll give you my personal recommendation on what system to install next in your business for the highest ROI, based on your current resources.

I'll also give you a quote for what it will cost for me to  create, install, and optimize the system for you, so that it's hands-off for can even take a vacation while the new system is earning you a return on investment.

If you choose to hire me to create the system for you, not only will I set it up, I will report the profitability of what it's earning you, every 60 days, as long as we work together.

I'll also help you with your overall marketing strategy so that you earn an ROI on your investment in working with me, and we'll keep working together to continue to grow and scale your business.

Reach out to me today, even if you're not totally ready to invest in growing your business, so that you know exactly what it will take to get to your next level of freedom. I have introductory offers for new clients to show you the ROI that I can earn for you that are affordable & accessible for you so that you can see the results for yourself.

I will help you strategically with advice, will implement for you, and will report back to you what I've earned you, so that we can work together for years to come.

If you'd like to release the burden of doing everything yourself, and hire one of the original online marketing masters, with over 25 years experience and millions in sales to put his experience and brainpower to work with you, then send me a DM and let's we'll come up with your next best investment to grow your business, right in messenger with a few voice texts (and you'll know exactly what to do next...with or without hiring me).

Don't put it off: